Don’t Hide
Rev Andrew Baxley | 1 John 1:5-10
Noah and the Promise
Andrew Baxley | Genesis 6-9
Creation, Fall, and the Hope for Restoration
Robert Griffiths | Genesis 1-3
Peter’s Restoration
Will Schaufelberger | John 21:1-19
He’s Alive
Rev Andrew Baxley | John 20
Responding to Cultural Hostility
Rev Andrew Baxley | John 18:1-27
Our Greatest Witness
Will Schaufelberger| John 17:21-26
Abide in the True Vine
Elder Robert Griffiths | John 15:1-17
The Helper
Rev. Andrew Baxley | John 14:16-28;16:7-15
He Loved Them to the End
Mark Persson | John 13:1-17
The God who Weeps
Will Schaufelberger | John 11:1-44
The Good Shepherd
Elder Robert Griffiths | John 10:1-21, 27-30