Hagar: Seen by God
Pastor Andrew Lupton Genesis 16 There are no little people to God. In the midst of a messy soap opera, we see God's mercy in an unlikely rescue story. Based on Through Her Eyes: God's Perspective on Women in the Bible by Jerram Barrs
Sarah: Mother of God’s Family
Pastor Andrew Lupton Genesis 18:1-15 God's grace can move our cynicism to celebration. Based on Through Her Eyes: God's Perspective on Women in the Bible by Jerram Barrs
Eve: Mother of Life
Pastor Andrew Lupton Genesis 3 What happened to paradise? This is not how things are intended to be! There is still hope through the Promised Seed. Based on Through Her Eyes: God's Perspective on Women in the Bible by Jerram Barrs
Eve: Our Mother
Pastor Andrew Lupton Genesis 1:26-28, 2:15-25 The stories of women in the scriptures are dripping with God's mercy and the Gospel. Sources: The Doctrine of Humanity by Charles Sherlock: Eve's Revenge; Women and a Spirituality of the Body by Lilian Calles; Origins of Difference: The Gender Debate Revisited by Elaine Storkey; Through Her Eyes: God's Perspective on Women in the Bible by Jerram Barrs
God, Are You Hiding?
Pastor Andrew Lupton Psalm 10 Being honest with God: Amidst the boasts of the wicked, God is still faithful and responds to his people's call for mercy.
Glorifying and Enjoying God
Robbie Becker (Music Director) Psalm 9
Pastor Andrew Lupton Matthew 6:25-34 In the background of Psalm 6 and Depression, we also take a look at depression's cousin, anxiety.
I Can’t Take My Mind Off of You
Pastor Andrew Lupton Psalm 8 God is mindful of you: Take a hike, take care, take hope!
When Life is Not Fair
Pastor Andrew Lupton Psalm 7 When life is not fair, we turn to God our refuge, our Judge, and our King.
The Anatomy of Depression
Pastor Andrew Lupton Psalm 6 The Anatomy of Depression: Its Roots, its impact and its hope.
How Do We Pray For Our Enemies?
Pastor Andrew Lupton Psalm 5 Picture King David seated in a chariot, headed towards the protection of his powerful, loving God while being pursued by his enemies.
A Good Night’s Sleep
Pastor Andrew Lupton Psalm 4 A Good Night's Sleep: Godly anger and Godly truth